Saturday, December 18, 2010

welcome to the word on sensory street (tm)

Blog post #1

Welcome to the word on sensory street (tm), my blog.
Before I begin, I want to thank Kathleen Morris of SI Focus Magazine ( for inspiring me to share my thoughts with the world via this blog. I also want to express my appreciation for the mentors and friends in my circle who have illuminated my path so brightly:  Lindsey Biel, Lori Fankhanel, Mary Sue Williams, Sherry Shellenberger, Diana Henry, Paula Aquilla, Carol Kranowitz, Kari Kindem, Meg Lupin, Weston Schmier, Sue Brown, Nancy Susel ... the list is so long. 

A special shout out to Jacob, my amazing said preteen and to Jim, my totally supportive husband.

Here goes ...

There comes a time when we awaken to a greater purpose, one that helps us see beyond our own challenges and guides us to extend our hand to help others who also struggle.    

For me, that time came 6 years ago when my son was five, when he started occupational therapy.  His sensory modulation issues were very mild:  under-responsive to tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive input.  He was our little crashing helicopter. 

When he started OT, I was compelled to share what I learned with other parents and started a local support group.  To reach farther, I created an online support group and then a facebook page, both now with international membership.  From this support role, grew sensory street, inc. my consulting and education company, which was formed in 2006.  Since then, I’ve had the privilege to raise awareness of sensory challenges to people in schools, non-profit organizations, parent support groups, radio appearances, sensory conferences and much more.

My son’s sensory under-responsiveness is easy to piece together:  I attribute it to his being a large baby who needed to come into this world via c-section, and having a mom who couldn’t lift him for a while, and who also fell into a post partum depression making it difficult to play and bond. So, my little one didn’t get the key sensory stimulation for his systems to develop typically.   Even as we healed, I reached out to other parents to show that healing is possible for them, too.

This blog isn’t about me and my journey.  And it’s not specifically about Sensory Processing Disorders.  Through this blog, I hope to illuminate a path of healing paved with limitless possibilities, from traditional to complementary ... for our children, their families, and everyone in their circles.   

My sincerest wish is to help everyone live a healthy and peaceful life. 

Until next time, I bid you fare-well.

Ida Zelaya
sensory street(tm), inc.